Concrete Thoughts

November 19, 2017

The river that runs through a portion of the railroad will need to be bridged at two locations. I've been studying reference photos for bridge types and abutments. Several abutment options are available: pre-cast hydrocal, plastic or styrene, DIY cardboard molds for plaster, etc. I decided to try to fabricate abutments out of 2" extruded foam since I had so much left over from the sub roadbed installation. Since I'm modeling the mid-sixties, I imagined the abutments would have been poured concrete into wood forms made of boards. Using a test piece of foam, I found if I gently scored the smooth edge of the foam with the edge of a paint stirrer, the result was fairly convincing. After painting on some concrete color latex paint and doing some quick and dirty weathering, I decided to proceed with this method.

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