Recently, I've been thinking about limits and how "guard rails" and other rules impact railroad modeling. Seeing limits as restrictive and challengeable are natural reactions. And this hobby is full of limits - some of which define our approach to building our layouts:
the track limits where the train can go
our available space limits size of layout and maximum radius
budget size and disposable income limits direct us to creative alternatives
scale limits details
time - there’s never enough modeling time!
period - an era, year or season defines architecture and equipment
geographic location dictates land forms and scenery
choosing strict adherence to a prototype might be limited by available research materials
These (and probably many more) constraints can spark and feed creativity. Instead of feeling trapped by them, we should embrace them. Some limits are not permanent and can be remediated: knowledge through research; skill through practice.
One critical factor that should not be limited so much is the imagination!
Seth Godin on Limits: